Wednesday, 17 March 2010

New volunteers always required...

All our volunteers come from different backgrounds in life and work, and come along for various different reasons. This is an exciting new project to establish a new Heritage Railway in the fens and to reconnect the towns of Wisbech, Coldham and March to the railway. We know we are not going to do this overnight, and we know there is a lot of work to be done. All our people are volunteers who bring different skills to different tasks.

Most "On Track" days are Sundays and now Wednesdays, but we also need volunteers to help with fundraising and with Roadshows at Exhibitions and Fairs.

If you are interested in getting involved, visit our website by clicking here,


On Sunday, March 14th, our volunteers spent the day working at Waldersea to clear some vegetation before some more fencing work goes into place. This was done in a change to what was planned, as Coldham was very busy on Sunday for the football, so it was decided to keep the painting of the gates for Mid Week days.

On Wednesday, March 17th, the group were working at March Elm Road crossing, to clear some things up there. Unfortuantly, we have no photos from these days, as the usual suspects with the cameras where not available.

We regret that the planned St George's day Quiz Night has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of the group. Anyone who has sent an entry deposit will recive a full refund for this. We hope to have another Quiz Night soon.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Coldham Level Crossing gates

On Wednesday, March 10th the group where back out to carry on with the works to improve the look of the crossing at Coldham. In the weeks leading up to the Sponsored Walk, the group cleared a lot of vegetation around the crossing.

The day started by Sanding down the crossing gates. During this time we spoke to a number of local people. This is how the gate looked before the work started.
After the work today, which was only to the gate, March side, the gate now looks like this
The view looking from the other side
This gate will probably need another coat before it is finished. It will then be given a Red Target again. Similar work will be carried out on the Wisbech side gate on Sunday, March 14th.

The Bramley Line is always looking for new members and volunteers to help us improve the railway line and work towards obtaining the lease of the line and returning Heritage Rail services to the Branch. There is much work needs to be done to do this, and the more volunteers we get, the quicker and better we can get the work done. If you wish to get involved, please get in touch.

Currently, Volunteers undertake work most Sundays and Wednesdays on the line, but also attend many fundraising events, such as Model Railway Exhibitions, Car boots and other local events.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Sponsored Walk a huge success

On Sunday, March 7th, it was our first ever group organised event, a Sponsored Walk of the line by members. Weather wise, it was a lovely day, with the sun shining all day and fairly warm too.
The assembled crowd gathered at Wisbech, Weasenham Lane at 10am ready for the 10.30am departure to March. At 10.30am, our chairman gave the whistle and waved the green flag and the team departed.
The group departed at 10.30am On Time and started to make the way to March. It was interesting watching the look of the people at the Wisbech Sunday Market, as a crowd of men and women in Orange Coats walked past the market, a sight I am sure they have not seen for many years, let alone seeing a train depart.

The group then headed out of Wisbech, over the main A47 Wisbech Bypass Level Crossing and on to Redmoor Lane Level crossing and headed on to Waldersea.

With only a police helicopter to keep up company, we made a nice walk along the route to Waldersea.

Upon arrival at Waldersea, the group had a break, but we were all suprised to find a Crossing Keeper, who closed both gates to road traffic to allow us to cross. Some of use doubted if the unrefurbished gate would even open without falling apart, but it did as the two photos below show.

After some tea and a well earned rest, it was onward to Coldham. The photo below shows the group approaching Coldham, the site of the only, slight, curve on the line!

The group get to Coldham, and again the level crossing keepers do a excellent job, and close the gates to road users to allow us to cross.
No rest for the wicked, we move onwards towards Chain Bridge. The photo below shows us departing Coldham from the roadside. Would look nice with a loco and some coaches wouldn't it...

and nearly half way to chain bridge below

and making excellent time, the group approach Chain Bridge Level Crossing.

As we approached, a tresspasser was coming the other way, asked to leave the railway, when he saw the group of orange vests coming, he did so, but wasn't very happy about it. Over the bridge and far away, we continued on our way to the finish line.
and as they say, thats a wrap. The group arrived complete safe and well back at March Elm Road Level Crossing at 13.50 hours.
The organisers, the management team and everyone at the Bramley Line would like to thank those who took part and sponsored someone in the walk. Please get your sponsorship money to your sponsor as soon as possible. Everyone who attended the walk had a good enjoyable day, and it was an excellent chance for the group to do something different, and raise money and awareness of our cause.

You can still sponsor those who participated in the walk , by sending Cheques/ Postal Orders made payable to "Bramley Line Appeal Fund" to:
Bramley Line Sponsored Walk
Bramley Line,
Room 9, Old Bank Chambers,
Dartford Road,
March, PE15 8AQ

The group are also organising other fundraising events this year, details can be found here

The team will be back working this Wednesday, March 10th at Coldham. If you would like to join or get involved, please get in touch. E-mail us

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Elm Road Revisited

On Wednesday, March 3rd, in preperation for this Sunday's Sponsored Walk, the mid week group visited March Elm Road, and tasked themselves with giving the fencing a coat of Gloss paint.
Above: Painting the fencing
Above: Fencing from other side of road
Now, on the right hand side you can see a shed. Someone was very curious as to what might be in that shed, so, as the Ivy was blocking the door, they decided to kick a hole in the wall!
All that to find an old chair, obviously, nothing of interest. So managed to locate 2 of the 3 panels, and fill the hole in. It would have been far eaiser just to move the Ivy, but nevermind.
Now, one of the team decided to paint the gradient marker white, and will paint in the letters in black later. The only photo I can find of it before, was back in July 2009 as shown below on the very left of the picture:
Now today, it is shown below after being painted.
It certainly makes it stand out a bit better.
This Sunday is the Sponsored Walk, so there will be no major work going on. We are hoping to raise as much money as possible, and if you have not already, please get in touch to sponsor us. We will be meeting at Weasenham Lane Level Crossing at 10am, aiming to set off at 10.30am.


Please note the railway is a dangerous place. To take part in the walk, you must be a paid member of the Bramley Line. Everyone doing the walk must wear Orange Hi-Vis Vests, in most cases, we can supply these. Please bring with you Bottled Water as you may need it.

Anyone who the organiser believes to be under the infulence of Alcohol or Drugs will be turned away and will not be able to do the walk.

It is very easy to trip up and there are many hazards. Please wear appropriate footwear.  When walking, please do not walk on the sleepers as these are very slippery. Try to walk on the stone ballast. The line has been cleared of the majority of brambles, however, some do still remain.

Everyone doing the walk must stick together. There will be a break at Waldersea.

Weather Permitting, a Members BBQ will take place at Elm Road at the end of the walk.

Carry on Coldham

Sunday, Feb 21st brought the team back to Coldham in the snow, to finish where the mid week team had got to. The team cleared the track north of Coldham. Having finished that they set off up road towards March, and got lots clear. Again on Sunday Feb 28th, the team where working at Coldham to finish off where the left off.

From Coldham, you can now see Waldersea gates in the distance and make out the railway each side. A Warning - Do not Tresspass sign was also put up, after the gate was nailed shut at the side.
Above, Coldham Looking North 14/2/10, Below, Looking North 03/03/10
Below, Coldham Looking South
No Tresspassing sign below
Next work will be at Coldham starting in March to sand down and repaint all the fencing and gates at Coldham Level Crossing. If you would like to get involved, please get in touch at