Friday, 4 June 2010

Update : Waldersea's On Fire

Towards the end of May, the track gang moved on to Waldersea to do a spot of Maintainence. With weed season in full flow, the track at Waldersea, and its surroundings where starting to look a bit on the bushy side.
As can be seen above, the weeds are now itching over the track once again, and it was time for action. The team got to work and within a short while the track was looking clear again.
Work then moved on to look at Waldersea sidings which was being overun by weeds. Only a couple of weeks before hand, the same shot below would have been almost clear of weeds.
So the gang got to work....
They say there is no smoke without fire....
and you can see the group is starting to make good progress with the clearing of weeds here.

If you would like to get involved, please get in touch. Working on the track is always a  good laugh and an excellent way to meet new people with similar interests. The team meet most Wednesdays and Sundays on the track, so if you are interested, please get in touch. E-mail

Update :- Track Gang at Coldham in Mid May

Over the last month, a number of things have been going on, in and around the track. In May, the opportunity was taken to do some light maintainence at Coldham Level Crossing. Following vandalism there, we have been showing a High Profile of going there. We decided the ground around the crossing was starting to look tatty, so went ahead clearing it. Below is a Before picture taken a couple of weeks before hand.

As you can see the grass goes over the site of the Down Road which was taken out years ago and the fencing. Now you can see the difference in these shots below:
As you can see, the grass has been cleared right back from the road to the crossing. You will also notice, the weeds are now starting to grow again, and the fence, which was only recently painted, is starting to be covered by weeds.
A much neater appearance to the recently repainted gates can be seen, the only thing missing now is the red target on the crossing gate. To help with the clearing, our resident Ray helped with the Roadsweeping.
After clearing the crossing, it was noticed that the securing bolts on Coldham Level Crossing had started to work loose. We decided to tighten the blots as we had to the tools necessary to do so with us. Below you can see the work in progress, everything that is good about the Bramley Line..... Teamwork.

Stange but true.... at Coldham

Recently, the Bramley Line has noted a number of vandalism acts being committed at Coldham. For Safety reasons, the access/egress gate at the crossing was locked up, as it was deemed that the track was becoming dangerous to those using it as a walkway.

As a result, someone obviously got very angry and damaged the Level Crossing gate. It was found damged by the team in early May. The damage can be clearly seen in the above photo.

Some repair work was carried out, to make to structure usable again. This gate was due to be repainted, but this has not happened as the time allocated for painting, was used up on repairing the gate. The wood which has been added as a short term measure can clearly be seen below.
We ask people to please be aware of vandalism problems that the line faces. Since the start of the year, there has been a number of vandalism issues at Coldham and Wisbech. If you see anyone on the track not wearing Orange Hi-Vis vests, please contact the British Transport Police on 0800 40 50 40.