Thursday, 10 December 2009

Waldersea Gate takes shape

Following the work being undertaken on the March side gate at Waldersea, due to poor weather, very little work was done on Sunday, December 6th, but we did take the rotten red target off the gate, and paint undercoat on the wood underneath. On Wednesday, December 9th, the gate was repainted with Gloss paint over the undercoat already used. We also repainted the black metal fittings, which we think will need to be redone again. This took the majority of the day. The gate is looking very good now compared with how it used to look.

Once this work was done, some time was taken to have a look at the Wisbech side gate to see if there was anything we felt we could do to repair the gate to make it look as good as the one on the March Side. It has been decided that the gate on the Wisbech side is beyond repair, and will need to be replaced. Unfortuantly, this will need to wait until the lease of the line is completed. Some photos of the gate are shown below to highlight why that decision has been taken.

This sunday we will be working again at Waldersea. The plans are to finish the fencing on the March side and put the new Red Target on the gate. We will then be looking at other Fencing at Waldersea. Members are welcome to join us from 10am onwards.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I've already commited myself to the diesel gala at NVR on the day of your sponsored walk, but i'll arrange to donate some money for the members taking part.
