Thursday, 23 December 2010

Security checks

On Wednesday 22nd December, and despite the weather, two members of the Civil Engineering Team were out and about the line checking all is still okay, taking these photo's of Cold Coldham, along with White Waldersea. Being disappointed in not being able to do anything, at least they got some winter scene photo's.



A Big Thank You For All The Seasonal Greeting We Had Received
                          WATCH THIS SPACE

If any one trying to leave a comment on the blog and cannot please leave one on the email address below

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

      Please Note Our New Phone Number

Sunday, 19 December 2010


While there will be no track work over the Christmas & New Year,     
        there will be surveillance taking place over the track.

The Committee would like to wish everyone who follows this blog,
    A Merry Christmas & A Happy & Prosperous New Year.
                OF TRACK WORK
If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog, but having some difficulty, then please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you.
Please Note Our New Phone Number

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Saturday 11th December 2010

On Saturday 11th December, some of the Fund-Raising Team Members had been very kindly invited to join in the 125th Celebrations of the opening of March Station, by taking along the Road show, in order to keep the public aware, that we are still intent on re-opening the line, despite rather little taking place during this year and for various reasons.

Members of the public were quite impressed with what advance has been made, with many taking a keen interest, as to our achievements so far, with so few members actually helping clear the vegetation. Even if just half of those who took membership application forms, complete and return them, the membership will receive a considerable boost, and one that it needs right now.

"It will never happen." is often heard, as it was just a few times at the celebrations, while those of the membership who were there, plus a few more, are determined it will happen, and just as soon as the required finance can be raised, in order to obtain the lease, but what we can't do, is raise it overnight, during the current financial situation, or with the shortage of volunteers, who are as Ardent as those on Saturday.

A huge Thank You goes out to all those wonderful people who organised the event, plus those who so kindly supported it in whatever manner they did, whether participating, or visiting, it was a Lovely event. It was made even more special by the visit of A4 Pacific 60007, 'Sir Nigel Gresley', which made a stop in the station, much to the delight of those there to see it. It may have only been a few hours, but the Bramley Line Fund-Raisers, sure enjoyed informing everybody of our intentions

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you


Friday, 10 December 2010

125 yrs March Station Celebrations

On Saturday 11 December 2010 Friends Of The March Railway Station is holding the 125th Anniversary Celebration of March Station
There will be a  steam train coming through the station at 7.47 in the morning  
(LNER A4 Pacific No 60007 Sir Nigel Gresley)
On the day
8.45am  till 11am

this is our stall the night before the event
please note there is a new contact number for the bramley line
The Number is
If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

New Notice & Genral Inspection

On Wednesday 8th December, a small number of the Civil Engineers Department started work at Elm Road Crossing,by putting up a small Notice Board, so as passers-by,can see we are still active, even if not seen there.


 from Elm Road crossing, they made their way towards Whitemoor Junction, where they were surprised to see considerable growth in the vegetation, since their last visit,plus some uncalled for Fly-tipping. This will be cleared again and hopefully in early 2011. 

 From Whitemoor end of the line, the members then made their way to Coldham, where a couple of notices were displayed about the celebrations taking place at March station, this weekend. 

Just before setting off for home again, Ray decided he had to try stirring things up, but found it solid ice.

Before heading home, the members then went to Waldersea, to do their weekly check on the area, only to find it beautifully white as per photo.

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Advance Notice

Due to unforeseen circumstance's beyond our control and the dramatic weather condition's there will be no more work or track clearing until further  notice

Should anyone wishing to put a comment on the blog and can't, please E-mail me on the link below.

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you


Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Looking For Lost Members

While the regular Civil Engineering Department continued to cultivate what now looks like an allotment, a search team drove from Essex, to clear some long vegetation a bit further along the line, in hope of finding the members that disappeared some months ago, never to be seen again since.

There will be clearing again on Wednesday 24th November, but not on Sunday 28th November, due to other commitments by the Civil Engineering Department that attend weekly.

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Moving Bed & Treasure Hunt

On Wednesday 17th November, one member of the Civil Engineers Department had been told by his wife, that: "Seeing as you are now spending so much time down the track, you may as well take your bed down there!" so he did and quite literally. Here he is carrying his mattress, but not saying where exactly he will be sleeping on it, or come to that, which team member it is. He has requested anonymity, so we respected his wishes, by not photographing his face.

 Last week, some unusual finds were made down the track, so we invited others to join us, yet still awaiting some response, so while one member was working On the level (photo 2), some of the Bramley Line's own Time Team (photo 3), were searching for more hidden treasures, including those members who haven't been seen for some considerable time, and so wondered where they are hiding, as the remainder are getting a new track bed cleared, (photo 4,) by 'rooting out' the brambles that are in the way.

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Clean up at Waldersea

On Wednesday the Civil Engineering Dept were out at Waldersea cleaning up after the successful bonfire night on Nov 5Th 2010

As we were cleaning we came across new vegetation of the brambles, which for the time of the year, is most unusual. This is one of many unusual finds along the line when clearing takes place. How about coming along and not only help clear the mass of vegetation, but see if You can find something unusual?

Everything looks great down at Waldersea

There will be NO work carried out on Sunday 14th November as its Remembrance Day
In respect our comrades in the Two World Wars & to the Railway Personel who gave there lives for there country

 If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Friday, 5 November 2010

Guy Fawkes Visits the Bramley Line

Remember, remember the 5th of November. Members, family and friends gathered at Waldersea for our Bonfire & Fireworks night. After a clear day, and building the bonfire up, the heavens opened and at 1915, the Bonfire was lit.

With the Bonfire lit and well alight, the assembled crowd gathered in the Shelter of the Bramley Line Gazebo and Simon and Derek went and arranged the fireworks.

The fireworks lasted 45 minutes and everyone who attened enjoyed the evening. Thanks to all members who helped get it ready, and everyone who attended. An Excellent night had by all.


Thursday, 28 October 2010

Peterborough Model Railway

On Saturday and Sunday 16/17th October, some members of the Bramley Line committee, attended the National Model Railway Show at Peterborough, in order to continue to raise awareness of the project to hand. The committee were very pleased with the response to this and hope to attend again in 2011, as well as other Show's, whenever the opportunities arise.

On behalf of the Bramley Line, the committee would like to thank all who came along and supported us over that weekend.

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Smoke Blitz at Waldersea

                           Who said the blitz was over in the 1940`s?
On Wednesday 20th October, there was a smoke blitz by our Civil Engineering Department, there was not one fire going but three

                        Great fun was had by all

              When we finished for the day it looked mush cleaner

If there are any members with anything they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you

Friday, 15 October 2010

                         Still No Trains Too much smoke

there will be no work on the line this Sunday 19/10/2010
Meeting on most Wednesday’s now, any more volunteers will always be made welcome, while every chance they get to meet on a Sunday, they do as well, so for further details, please contact the following address:-

Waldersea Yard

It was on Wednesday 13th October, the Civil Engineers Department had a blitz on the undergrowth at Waldersea, even to spending a couple of extra hours more than normal, to clear the vast amount of vegetation they did, with two members having travelled from Essex to assist.

Monday, 11 October 2010


I must apologise for the errors in the last update, as that was my first try at adding any thing to the blog but I shall get better as time goes on.

If any one as been down to waldersea you will have noticed that the council have put road marking down

Well now they have removed them as they have covered the road markings by retared the road again

The civil engineering Dept have been out again at waldersea making ready the ground for the 5th November bonfire night

Over the summer the civel engineering dept have replased the sign to waldersea.

If there is any members with any photos are any thing they wish to put on the blog please email me on and I will do my best to include it for you.